Compenstation patterns in Microservices
Learn 10 essential design patterns: Circuit Breaker, Fallback, Bulkhead, Event Sourcing, Request-Response, Message Queue, Publish-Subscribe, Leader Election, Two-Phase Commit, and Outbox
NoSql databases Key-value stores, Document stores, Wide column databases, Graph databases, Multi Model databases are the most widely adopted ones. Every NoSQL database has unique purposes, offerings and limitations. If…
Spring boot application can be integrated to Google Drive APIs for all type of file operations using Google Drive Java client library. Google Drive API allows us to manage files…
The feature-rich, code-centric IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) provides comprehensive facilities to make Java programming easier and productive. Intellij idea IDE, Eclipse Java IDE, NetBeans IDE, BlueJ IDE, Xcode, MyEclipse, jGRASP …
ResponseEntity, RequestEntity are used in Spring REST apis, RequestEntity is used as method level argument and ResponseEntity is used as method response. Both of these, can wrap any type of…
Spring provides Server-sent events apis ResponseBodyEmitter, SseEmitter and WebSockets for server to client communication and vice-versa. Server-sent events are used to handle asynchronous processing on the server side. Websockets connections…
Spring task scheduler is either configured with @scheduled annotation or dynamically with Java code, to schedule a task. @EnableScheduling is required to enable support for Spring task scheduling. Spring task…
Streaming data with spring boot restful web service examples here, illustrate different ways to stream data like stream JSON, stream CSV, stream chunked response, stream large file as zip file,…
Spring boot security authentication examples with source code are explained here. For authentication default login page, http basic popup or custom login page can be easily configured in spring security…
Spring boot server port can be changed in a number of ways, by overriding in properties file, JVM argument, command line arguments, build script or programmatically. Spring boot applications generally…